
  • To enter UAE Please make sure you have
    • Valid passport
    • Valid visa
    • Negative Corona Test from approved lab
    • Hotel booking or Residence address in UAE
    • Reason to enter UAE
    • Proof of reason to enter UAE
    • Name and contact details of invitee in UAE if applicable
    • Enough funds to live in UAE
  • UAE Do’s
    • Immediate family members of the Royal Family are addressed as “His Highness” and others are addressed as “His Excellency”.
    • Greet the people with “As-salamalaikom” (peace be upon you) when meeting the people or entering the office/room. If you are greeted with “As-salamalaikom”, kindly answer “Waalaikom as-salam” (and peace be upon you).
    • When entering a living room, a holy place, or a house, remove your shoes unless you are told not to do so.
    • Dressed appropriately and conservatively. Cross-dressing is strictly prohibited.
    • Use your right hand when offering or receiving gifts, eating food and opening doors. Do not give or receive anything with your left hand. The left hand is for cleaning oneself.
    • It is polite to have a cup of Arabic coffee. When you have enough, place your hand over the cup or shake it from side to side as you give it back to the waiter. He will understand you have finished.
    • Use a knife and fork or a spoon and fork. You will be served food in the usual western manner.
    • In a banquet where food is served in one large dish, no cutlery is provided and only the right hand should be used to pick the food and eat.
    • Always carry your identification documents. Authorities have the right to demand to see the documents for identification purposes.
    • Always check the validity of your visa, ID and passport. These documents should never expire.
    • Respect the culture and tradition of the country.
    • Abide by UAE Laws
    • Respect UAE law enforcers
    • Respect elders, children, and women
    • Wear mask
  • UAE Donts
    • Mere possession of a narcotic, even is very small amounts, is a criminal offense.
    • Manufacturing, selling, using or possessing drugs are all grounds for a criminal action.
    • Even sleeping pills or pharmaceuticals containing small amounts of narcotics are prohibited.
    • Do not litter on the roads, street and beaches.
    • Do not smoke in government facilities, malls and public places.
    • Drugs and narcotics are prohibited in the UAE.
    • Do not drive while being intoxicated.
    • Do not drive without driving license.
    • Do not violate traffic rules including signals, seat belt, over-speeding etc.
    • Do not take a picture of any person without asking his or her permission first.
    • Do not photograph military installations, ports and airport facilities without official permission.
    • Do not stare at women.
    • Do not shake hands with women if you are a man and with men if you are a woman. Better wait for them to offer their hand and not the other way around.
    • Do not call anyone by nickname or a slang name that would sound strange to others.
    • Never call anyone with a “come here” motion of your finger as this may offend him.
    • Avoid discussion on the members of the Royal Family and their family affairs.
    • Be careful while using social media platforms in the UAE and avoid sharing anti-government and hatred contents.
    • Pointing finger to a person is considered a rude gesture.
    • Avoid crossing your legs or point your toes while talking to someone.
    • Abusing someone or showing abusive gesture is punishable crime in the UAE.
    • Do not burp at meal tables.
    • During the holy month of Ramadan, do not eat in public within daylight hours.
    • During the holy month of Ramadan, do not pump-up the volume of music.